Huerto 3ºD Primaria (GSD Vallecas)
Los alumnos de 3ºD han realizado la actividad del huerto. Han sido variadas las actividades que se han realizado. Agradecemos la colaboración de los...
Creativity and Calm: Clay Art in Our School
A few days ago, our students explored the art of clay modeling as a way to relax and stay focused, using their hands and...
Carnavales Gredos San Diego Vallecas
Hoy, día 27 de febrero, hemos celebrado la fiesta de Carnaval en la etapa de primaria. Todos hemos podido disfrutar de esta magnífica fiesta...
Carnaval 2025 at GSD IS Buitrago!
Last week, we celebrated Carnaval with a magical Disney-themed festival! Teachers amazed us with fun performances, we played cooperative games, and to end the...
International Day of Women and Girls in Science!
Last week, our school celebrated the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with exciting hands-on activities! Elementary students explored science through fun...