Durante el presente curso 2023/2024, GSD IS Buitrago impartirá un nuevo grado medio: Estética y Belleza.
During the current academic year 2023/2024, GSD IS Buitrago will teach a new medium degree: Beauty Therapy.
Los alumnos del presente módulo ya han podido conocer las instalaciones con las que van a trabajar disponiendo de sala de masajes, sala de maquillaje y sala de manicura y pedicura.
The students of this module have already been able to see the facilities with which they will work, with a massage room, a make-up room and a manicure and pedicure room.

Tras haber iniciado el curso con los conceptos básicos teóricos, los integrantes del nuevo grado han podido iniciar las primeras prácticas de maquillaje.
After having started the course with the basic theoretical concepts, the members of the new degree have been able to start the first make-up practices.